Rochester Riverside Primary School


At Rochester Riverside School, we aim to make music a fun and worthwhile learning experience. The children develop their confidence in a range of different musical experiences. All children take part in practical lessons within which they are given the opportunity to discover, explore and develop their technical skills. 


Year R music


In Early Years, children are exposed to a range of songs, including nursery rhymes, in which they begin to develop an understanding of aspects such as beat and tune. To support with this they are encouraged to move to the music to express how it makes them feel. Children take part in a range of different listening activities and they are given time to explore a range of instruments noticing the different sounds that they make 


Year 1 and 2 music


Music is taught by a specialist Music teacher as a separate subject in KS1, although using cross-curricular links is encouraged. Within the weekly 30-minute specialist lessons, children are taught the musical learning for their level, including Beat, Pitch and Rhythm as well as using small percussion instruments. Children also are taught basic musical terms.


Within KS2, children are taught music through Music Express weekly as well as using aspects of cross curricular learning to support, including Computing. Children have their own music folder that holds evidence of their work as well as videos of their learning collated into a class shared area. 

School Events

We believe that music enriches the lives of people, and so we endeavour to involve as many children as possible in musical activities KS1 and KS2 take part in weekly worship, which involves developing skills linked to singing, including pitch and beat. Throughout the year, special Whole School Events are held, such as Harvest Festival, which allow the children to perform their music taught during Worship. Further whole school events are held to celebrate World Music Day in the Summer Term, where each year group gets a chance to showcase their learning.