Rochester Riverside Primary School

Year 3

David Copperfield 

Click here to see what we have been getting up to in our classes!

Termly Overviews 2023/2024

Take a look at our learning for this year by clicking on the purple links below. 

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3 - Coming soon!

Term 4 - Coming soon!

Term 5 topic is - Did the Ancient Egyptians influence the modern world?

Term 6 - Coming soon! 

 Term 5 information

 At Rochester Riverside we want your child to be happy, have fun, learn how to be independent, feel safe, be problem solvers, build their confidence and self-esteem and be curious individuals whilst developing their imagination. 

We will explore the history of Ancient Egypt and how the history of this time has helped to form our modern world. 


Lunch menu

caterlink menu apr to oct.pdf

Attributes at Rochester Riverside

"Fruit of the Spirit" is a biblical term that sums up the nine visible attributes of a true Christian life. 

At Rochester Riverside, we believe in nurturing and developing children's attributes, through this we can help them become a well-rounded individual. The Fruit of the Spirit are amongst some of the attributes we talk about to try to answer our important question of: 'Who we are' and 'How do we choose to live.'

The Fruit of the Spirit illustrate just some of the attributes we talk about and practise throughout the school day. We take the time to share and think about what it means to be a member of our 'Riverside community', what this means to us and why we act the way we do. We encourage the children to share their thoughts and ideas. We inspire the children to be proud of themselves and others and the attributes they present. We believe by the time our pupils come to the end of their journey with us, they will have developed stepping stones, to becoming strong, independent individuals who can continue their journeys sharing their wisdom and attributes with others.


As a school we aim to promote the love of reading; it plays such an important part in the children's lives. We would love each child to have the opportunity to read daily and for them to bring their reading record in every day. 

In Year 3 we encourage pupils to become independent with reading at home but to also read to an adult when they can. This helped the to be corrected in the moment when they find words tricky. 

All reads should be recorded in your child's reading record and please write any comments about how your child has read or about the book they are currently reading, they can of course do this too! These reads will count towards their reading rewards, where they will be celebrated each time they reach a certain number of reads. They also get daily DOJOs for their reads. 

Reading Map

reading tube map 7 .pdf


This is a fantastic tool we use to help us learn and attain our times tables. 

All pupil have their own log in to use at home (daily) and in school. This supports their times tables at home alongside daily times table practice in school.

Times Table Rock Stars is created and run by the awesome team at Maths Circle LTD.


t2 e 2064 year 3 and 4 spelling list new curriculum word mat ver 3.pdf

 Common Exception Words

t2 e 5324 year 3 and 4 common exception words with outline word mat ver 1.pdf